
Global Advocacy Network

About the Global Advocacy Network

People living with diabetes face different issues all around the world. T1International aims to give advocates the tools they need to push for change in their communities. We coordinate a Global Advocacy Network of like-minded advocates fighting for change around the world. 

T1International Global Advocates, Advocacy Chapters, and Advocacy Partners identify the issues in their country that they want to work on and develop action plans to make change. T1International supports our Global Advocacy Network through that process, and brings advocates together to share and learn and fight for collective change.

Global Advocates

Dani Rojas

Dani, Costa Rica

''I have lived with type 1 diabetes for 27 years. I am a psychologist and diabetes educator who supports people with chronic illnesses with their physical health and also mental and emotional health. I strongly believe that people living with type one diabetes have a right to feel safe, healthy and happy in their own skin. I'm excited to continue to advocate with T1International in Costa Rica, Latin America and the world.''

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Konstantina Taki GA

Konstantina, Greece

"I am Konna, a medical doctor from Greece and I have lived with type one diabetes since 2008. Diabetes is a 24/7 unpaid job. Accessibility and education are key to diabetes management. I'm lucky enough to live in a country where insulin is ensured for every diabetic patient. T1International's work for people with diabetes inspired me and gave me motivation to contribute to its vision by becoming a global Advocate."

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Diego, Peru

Diego, Peru

"My motto is: the person comes before the diabetes. I dedicate myself to advising families and teaching educational programs about type 1 diabetes. I am a mentor for the Peruvian Association for Diabetes in Children and Adolescents. With T1International, I hope to contribute to the fight for human rights."

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Riccardo Scatolone

Riccardo, Italy

“I am a T1International advocate based in Turin, Italy. I have been affected by type 1 diabetes since 2006. I have an actuarial background, and in my free time, I am a musician, singer and songwriter. My main advocacy goal is focused on educating people about diabetes related costs in Italy and creating awareness about diabetes burnout.”

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Yvonne Kamau, Kenya

Yvonne, Kenya

"I am a scientific officer passionate about strengthening health systems and implementing research to promote universal health coverage. I hold a Master’s in Public Health and completed advanced coursework on Non-communicable Disease Management in low- and middle-income countries. I believe in collaborative efforts for successful public health interventions to ensure everyone can access life-saving medicines."

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Cyrine Farhat

Cyrine, Lebanon

''I have lived with type 1 diabetes many years and had to make so many decisions and life choices just to afford insulin. I believe that access to insulin is a human right, so I started my journey as positiveonglucose, a blog and a safe space for diabetics. I discovered T1International, who empowered and equipped me with the tools to push forward rights that are mine, yours, and the world's!''

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Arina Parkhomova GA

Arina, Russia

"I’ve been living with type 1 diabetes since November 1997. For many years, I have not shared my experience with others. However, T1International, with its support and tools, motivated me to speak up and begin helping fellow diabetics and people who support us. It’s music and art that inspire me to bring more endorphins into the diabetes community."

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Christina Barklund

Christina, Sweden

“I am a general practice doctor based in Stockholm who has had T1D since 1996. I came to advocacy a few years ago, after a trip to visit my daughter studying medicine in Cameroon. I met a young man with type 1 who couldn’t afford to live. I hope to educate others about the challenges that people with diabetes face in places where the healthcare system is not as comprehensive as it is in my country.”

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Janice Barnes, South Africa

Janice, South Africa

"I have been living with diabetes since age 6, and faced many challenges, including rationing my insulin. The health system here in South Africa is not supportive of me and led me to question my own value. Now, my battle gives me the drive to transform my disease into a platform for advocacy and empowerment. I am glad to be part of T1International because it is time to destroy all the misconceptions about diabetes support other type 1’s to not merely survive, but thrive!"

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Laura Munyoro Zimbabwe

Laura, Zimbabwe

"I am enthusiastic about being part of health care teams that increase diabetes knowledge and skills. My inspiration emanates from looking after my mother, who has diabetes, as well as friends and patients. I wish to see them through their day to day challenges and facilitate better access and affordability of their medication. I am passionate about advocating for long-term solutions that can reduce disease burden on patients and their households."

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Yemurai Machirori

Yemurai, Zimbabwe

''I have been living with diabetes since 2004 and I am passionate about access and affordability of insulin and diabetes supplies, especially for children with diabetes. I strongly believes that no child should die of diabetes and that no parent/child should have to give up their dreams because they cannot afford to give their child life.”

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Tino Dzikiti

Tino, Zimbabwe

“I have been heavily involved in the Diabetes advocacy space for years, including recently becoming a Certified Diabetes Educator. I am a Young Leader in Diabetes and Africa Representative-Elect for International Diabetes Federation. I host The Diabetic Mogul Podcast with the vision to Inspire, Empower, Encourage, and Educate the community. I am glad that we, the diabetes community, can come together to create the change that we need.”

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Global Advocacy Chapters

Egypt #insulin4all


More About the Chapter

Nigeria #insulin4all


More About the Chapter

South Africa #insulin4all

South Africa

More About the Chapter

Global Advocacy Partners

T1International’s Advocacy Partners are organisations that already have established structures, goals and missions. Advocacy partners gain advocacy support from T1International and work together with the organisation on specific issues and campaigns.

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