
News & Statements

T1International Statement on #insulin4all for Civil Society Hearing on NCDs

The high price of life-saving medications, including the rising prices of insulin, are killing people living with NCDs worldwide. Families are being financially ruined here in the United States, and around the world. This reality is not complicated to understand but it is impossible for us to live with. Read more

T1International Statement on Walmart Insulin

T1International Statement on Walmart Insulin

Recently, the American Diabetes Association issued a white paper on Insulin Access and Affordability by their Working Group. While we continue to applaud the American Diabetes Association for speaking out about the high cost of insulin, we remain concerned with their approach and some of the recommendations in their paper.
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My Journey to Eli Lilly HQ for Answers

My Journey to Eli Lilly HQ for Answers

I was very nervous before going to confront the top executives of Eli Lilly and Company. But I was determined to tell them Alec’s story. They needed to hear from me what their insulin prices did to Alec, and are still doing to others. Read more

T1International Testimony for Insulin Access & Affordability: The Rising Cost of Treatment

T1International’s 2018 global survey explored out-of-pocket costs for people with type 1 diabetes. More than 25% of American respondents said that they have had to ration insulin at least once per year due to cost. Fourteen percent of those respondents have had to ration their insulin monthly, weekly, or daily due to insulin cost. Read more

Patient Activism is Seizing the Spotlight—And Rightly So

Patient Activism is Seizing the Spotlight—And Rightly So

In today’s struggle on insulin pricing and other drugs, patient can win the day again. So our organization, People of Faith for Access to Medicines, is proud to be in support of T1International’s amazing work, from the Eli Lilly demonstration to the #insulin4all meetups in New York City and the Cincinnati area. Read more

World Health Day: Universal Health Coverage (#healthforall)

World Health Day: Universal Health Coverage (#healthforall)

Excitingly, the WHO has chosen to highlight Universal Health Coverage in 2018 by choosing it as the theme for World Health Day on April 7th. At T1International, we will use the day to continue to highlight the importance of Universal Health Coverage for people with type 1 diabetes. Read more

Advocates meet for #insulin4all in Cincinnati

Advocates meet for #insulin4all in Cincinnati

“Access to insulin is a human right”: this was the central theme during a gathering of #insulin4all advocates in Cincinnati on March 25th. The group came together to focus on regional action in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana regarding insulin pricing. Advocate Angela Lautner shares her perspective. Read more

T1International Submission: WHO Independent Global High-Level Commission on NCDs

We applaud the Commission’s aim to propose bold and practical ways to curb the world’s leading causes of death and illness, and we are in complete agreement with the WHO’s support for universal health care. Patients and organizations supporting #insulin4all are eager to assist you and the staff at the World Health Organization. Read more

Advocates meet for #insulin4all in New York City

Advocates meet for #insulin4all in New York City

More than a dozen people from all over the New York City metropolitan area gathered on February 8th at the historic LGBT Center on 13th Street in Manhattan to discuss insulin access issues in America. Read more

T1International Year in Review: 2017

T1International Year in Review: 2017

Highlights from 2017 include an in-person demonstration outside of Eli Lilly HQ, launch of the first ever online diabetes access advocacy training, and a visit to Uganda to plan advocacy actions with Warriors there. Read more