
What We Do

Access to affordable insulin: 

Insulin was first used to treat a person with diabetes in 1922. The discoverers sold the patent for $1 each so it could be accessible for all. However, one in two people who need insulin cannot access it because it is inaccessible, unaffordable, or both. We’re trying to change that.

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Fight for Five

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Advocacy Toolkit

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Fighting Big Pharma’s monopoly power: 

Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi – the ‘big three’ insulin producers – dominate more than 90% of the world insulin market by value. They have way too much power and influence, and they fund academics and advocacy organizations which means very few people or entities challenge them. We are one of the few.

Equitable Health Access for all: 

Too many people and places get left behind while diabetes treatments and technologies continue to improve. We believe everyone should have access to the treatment and tools that work best for their body. Learn more about the global diabetes situation and what we’re doing to create more equitable diabetes access and care worldwide.